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New Year. New Job. Here's How.

2020 feels big and it hasn’t even started yet. For many, the new year is often an inflection point at which they look for opportunities to advance their careers by landing a new job. The good news is that January and February are considered by experts to be the top months for hiring. A CNBC report shows up to a 30% increase in hiring in January. The bad news is that you are not the only person making the “new job in the new year” resolution, which means increased competition. So, how do you stand out in a crowded field? Start by laying your groundwork now while other job seekers are easing their foot off the gas for the holidays.

How to Land a New Job in the New Year

Identify Your Target Companies

When goal-setting, it’s often beneficial to start with the end in mind. In this case, having clearly identified your target companies can set the tone for your entire job search. From a mental standpoint, selecting companies helps you to narrow and maintain your focus from start to finish. The number of targets will vary based on whether you work in a niche vs. mainstream industry, but having a finite list is far more manageable. It enables you to prioritize and allocate your research and networking efforts more efficiently than applying to matching openings at any company.

From an emotional standpoint, picking target companies can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed throughout your search process. This is one of the most common challenges faced by job seekers who take the traditional route of applying through online job boards. Additionally, you are focusing on places you would actually be happy to work at, which is a powerful motivator! If you are excited or even passionate about joining a company, it makes it easier from a head & heart perspective, to put in the necessary effort → research, networking (informational interviews), customized resume, etc., -- to boost your chances of success. Ultimately, this approach means → you are picking your targets, instead of hoping a random company picks you.

Start Networking Now - Identify Decision-makers - Use the Holidays to Your Advantage

The most important ingredient to any successful job search is people. Tomorrow’s job search needs yesterday’s network, so start reactivating old connections and cultivating new ones, now. A key strategy to networking is identifying decision-makers at the company and/or departmental level (i.e. your potential boss) to connect to. These individuals have the power to pull you into an interview process or even create a job for you if a current [advertised] opening doesn’t exist. Getting a warm introduction to or building a relationship organically with such a person is networking gold. 

One of the most anxiety-provoking aspects of networking is reaching out to the folks you haven’t spoken to in years. First, remember that they also haven’t reached out to you in however long. Communication is a two-way street. Second, the holidays are the perfect time to rekindle those dormant relationships! You can reach out now with “Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas” messages to old contacts, first and foremost, to genuinely check-in to see how they are doing and then ask how you can help them succeed in the new year. Following the New Year, you can perform “Happy New Year” outreach for at least two weeks before it appears lame -- again, genuine check-in + a “them-focused” offer of support. Establish an ongoing dialogue so that when you come back around seeking support in your job search, it’s not a cold ask from out of the blue. None of us want to be that girl/guy.

Start Conducting Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are an invaluable yet underutilized tool in a job seeker’s arsenal. The best way to learn the truth about what it’s like to work at a target company + who you should connect to is through a fellow human who currently or formerly worked there. Let me underscore the fact that former employees are just as valid a source of support as current employees when networking. In many cases, they will be even more candid about a company because they no longer have a vested interest in putting a positive shine on things the way a current employee would. Additionally, they will have contacts who still work there that they can introduce you to.

Doing informational interviews will help you establish and build relationships at target companies, enabling you to be on people’s radars in 2020. Should a position become available, you may have positioned yourself to be top of mind for outreach before it gets posted. In the case that you aren’t directly contacted, you can easily follow up for a referral from that person you’ve already connected and maintained contact with since the informational interview.

Update Your Marketing Materials - Resume + LinkedIn

In this digital age, your resume is still a critical tool for landing a job. It’s the evidence of your potential value to a future employer, based on your past performance. It’s critical that the career story you tell is compelling and customized to the needs of your audience. To that end, I often help clients create a modular, master resume that contains a more comprehensive set of key achievements, which they can then customize for specific companies/roles. Resume customization = giving your audience the tailored information they need to decide if you can help solve their business challenges. 

Your LinkedIn should also be updated to reflect any new achievements you have included on your resume. It’s also important to have a great picture, an inviting headline, an engaging ‘About’ section, and an optimized profile containing the keywords that recruiters might search to find relevant candidates. Think of your LinkedIn profile as a living organism that is meant to display your professional personality. Your LinkedIn profile is a chance to demonstrate who you are + what you believe, so don’t be shy about it. Everyone has achievements, but the story you tell in the ‘About’ section and your headline is unique to you.

Finally, you can’t be “found” on LinkedIn simply by having a profile. Your profile needs to be complete, look good, and have at least 500 connections -- but that’s not enough. You also must to be active on the platform! LinkedIn’s algorithms reward those who engage actively on the platform by making them easier to find in searches. Thankfully it’s not a crazy time investment to boost your activity. The lowest bar is simply liking people’s posts. The most valuable use of your time, however, is to engage by leaving thoughtful comments on posts. Doing this allows you to 1) build relationships, 2) add value, and 3) demonstrate your knowledge/thought process. You can reshare other people’s content, but be sure to add value by including your key takeaways or asking an engaging question that arose for you. You can and should also post your own original content -- think, thought leadership. All these suggestions can be handled in 5-20mins per day. If you are in an active job search, daily activity is recommended.

Following all these steps above will set you well on your way to landing a new job in 2020. The length of time it takes depends on myriad factors, but everything discussed is within your control.

So, start where you are with what you have and...Let’s. Go. Get. It!

If you would like help landing a new job in 2020, I’d love to support you!
Book Now for a free consultation.