Avenir Careers

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How to Find a Job in 2021: Tips and Tricks from the Experts

They say the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” 

You might feel as if you’re going a bit mad while trudging through the job searching process. You’re not alone. As a creepy Cheshire Cat once said, “We’re all mad here.”

The job searching process fuels a weird sense of redundancy and can feel like you’re reliving the same day over and over again:

  1. Search for openings

  2. Tailor your resume

  3. Write a cover letter

  4. Submit and hope for a response

  5. Interview (again, again, and again)

  6. Hope for results for all your effort

  7. Repeat

But is falling down this job searching rabbit hole the only way to arrive at your next destination? (Spoiler: No.)

In this post, we’ll highlight all of your options and strategies if you’re pondering how to find a job in 2021. So, let’s “begin at the beginning.”