Top Job Search Experts to Follow on LinkedIn for 2021

It’s that time of year again—when we release our LinkedIn Top Experts list! Each year, we compile a list of job searching experts who generously share their insight and advice on LinkedIn. We sift through countless profiles, searching for quality advice that is actionable, insightful, and engaging. 

With COVID-19 derailing the plans of many in 2020, LinkedIn stepped up as a hub for connection and guidance during what can feel like a grueling process. With the pandemic driving up the unemployment rate, the competition for jobs is that much more fierce. LinkedIn provides the opportunity for job searchers to learn from the experts, connect with recruiters and hiring managers, and brand themselves in a way that will make them stand out from the competition. 

This year, our top 25 experts were generous enough to answer several questions for us—many even on video! They share advice on virtual networking, navigating the “hidden job market,” staying positive during the job searching process, and even securing referrals.

So, without further ado…

Click the link below to read the full article + see my video interview on JobScan[.]com