Career Advancement

Controlling Your Career Narrative: 3 Steps to Shift Perception to Reality

Controlling Your Career Narrative: 3 Steps to Shift Perception to Reality

Your career narrative is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal to inform and influence how others see you. Quite often, however, I encounter clients who either aren’t clear on what their narrative is or don’t feel like they are in control of it. In both cases, not having ownership of your career narrative can impact how others perceive and engage with you. This calls to mind the trite maxim, “perception is reality.” While reality is absolute, given that perception is subjective, you have the power to shape it through your storytelling. However, for it to become reality, your storytelling must be accompanied by evidence and action.

We have all experienced the co-worker who we believe is not very good at their job, yet somehow is well known by company leadership and always seems to advance ahead of those who produce better work. Whether we like it or not, these individuals have mastered their career narrative and have learned to bend reality to their desired perception. The challenge for the rest of us who do great work but aren’t the slickest salesperson is to shift perception to our reality.

3 Ways Helping Others Can Define Your Brand

3 Ways Helping Others Can Define Your Brand

“You are only as good as the good you do for others.” ~Unknown
The quote above has appeared in my email signature since about 2011 and has come to embody both the philosophy by which I live my life and the mantra upon which I base my career and business. As I have worked with various clients on defining their professional brand, I have come to realize that more than anything -- a brand is ultimately our offer of value to others. The beauty in this perspective is that we all have something of value to offer and contribute to the world. The challenge is how difficult it is to identify and articulate your value in such a way that it connects to others and encourages them to engage with you.

If you think about it, any job posting is just the far wordier equivalent of the classic, “Help Wanted” sign, hung in a retail store window. Employers are seeking the best person they can find to help them deal with a specific set of pain points that are currently hurting their business…

The Juice vs. The Sauce -- Which One is Your Professional Brand?

The Juice vs. The Sauce -- Which One is Your Professional Brand?

Imagine that the whole purpose of your professional brand is to answer the question, “Why should I hire/advance/speak to you?” The quality of your response to this question is crucial, whether you are a job seeker or seeking career advancement. Whatever your response, it’s important that it be memorable and stick with your audience. This is where “the juice vs. the sauce” comes in.

“Why should I hire/advance/speak to you,” really means, “why should I care?” By answering the “why” question effectively…you can make your audience care. When they care, that means you have achieved buy-in. When you have achieved buy-in, you can be hired or advanced to the place you wish to be.